*website currently under development*

Do you want to build project management capability?

Over the coming weeks we are looking at developing a entry level and practical project managers course, specifically aimed for non-project managers. This could include front line managers, engineers, operatives, supervisors, contract managers and administration based personal.


At the beginning of my career I worked in a highly structured Project Management industry. In the world of industry and commerce, it can be a very different picture. It seemed that employees who were functionally good in their roles, were “chosen” to manage projects with often little or no guidance. From this frequent scenario, The Incidental Project Manager was born.

· Incidental – An event that occurs that is secondary to the main activity.

· Project Manager is a responsible for planning, organizing, and overseeing a project by managing the scope, timeline, budget, resources to meet the objectives.

There is a huge disconnect between that of a secondary activity and a professional. Our intention is bridge this gap in a simple, demystified and concise manner. By trying to simplify the jargon into plainspoken language that people can understand and relate to irrespective of their background or experience.

Proposed Course Structure

The course is planned for 2 days to cover all of the basic fundamentals of project management. This will act as a strong base to be able to deliver a great project and act as a foundation to develop towards a more formal qualification (Prince 2, PMP or APM). We have drafted a proposed course structure and seek your feedback to discover if the this meets expectations.

Contact us

Email:  [email protected]

LinkedIn:  David Bonnar | LinkedIn

Mobile: 00 44 (0) 7880 888727

The Incidental Project Manager is proudly part of Project Management VA Ltd, if you require any support on feasibility/design or whole project lifecycle management, please make contact 

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